The Faithful Circus Murder Case
← Return to The Faithful Circus Murder Case
- December 21, 2022 by LoafDY#visual novel, #murder mystery, #circus, #horror, #cute, #bunny, #magician, #point and clickHey guys! Thanks to the people who played the game and sorry it was very short. I plan on fixing the murder mystery game up a bit after christmas! A few things I will do would be to fix up some of the... Continue reading
- December 10, 2022 by LoafDY#renpy, #murder mystery, #point&click, #short game, #cute, #rabbit, #circusI have finially released the game! Earlier it was tested to be around 10 - 30 minutes long to complete everything so nothing big. But I had fun making it and they enjoyed playing it! This small murder... Continue reading
- December 09, 2022 by LoafDY##renpy, ##murder mystery, ##novelgame, ##rabbit, ##circus, ##gameI'm HBready and I made a circus murder mystery game for a school project. I had around 5 weeks to try and make this game! It's my first ever completed game I every made!! Most of my classmates are exc... Continue reading